West of Honor c-2 Page 11
"And how many of you are there?"
"There are 20,000 farmers in the valley," she said. "And don't tell me we ought to be able to run both gangs off. I know we should be able to. But we tried it, and it didn't work. Whenever they raided one of our places, we'd turn out to chase them down, but they'd run into the hills where it would take weeks to find them. Then they'd wait until we came down to grow crops again, and come down and kill everyone who resisted them, families and all-"
"Is that what happened to your grandfather?"
"Yes. He'd been one of the valley leaders. They weren't trying to loot his place, they just wanted to kill him. I tried to organize resistance after that, and then-" She looked at her hands. "They caught me. I guess I will have that drink after all."
"There's only brandy, I'm afraid. Or coffee."
"Brandy is all right."
I got another glass and poured. Her hands didn't shake as she lifted it.
"Aren't you going to ask?" she said. "Everyone wants to know, but they're afraid to ask." She shuddered. "They don't want to embarrass me. Embarrass!"
"Look, you don't want to talk about-"
"I don't want to, but I have to. Can you understand that?"
"Hal, there's very little you can imagine that they didn't do to me. The only reason I lived through it was that they wanted me to live. Afterwards, they put me in a cage in the village square. As an example. A warning."
"I'd have thought that would have the opposite effect." I was trying to speak calmly, but inside I was boiling with hatred.
"No. I wish it had. It would have been worth it. Maybe-I don't know. The second night I was there, two men who'd been neighbors killed one of their guards and got me out. The Protectionists shot 30 people the next day in reprisal." She looked down at her hands. "My friends got me to a safe place. The doctor wasn't very well trained, they tell me. He left scars. If they could see what I was like when I got to him, they wouldn't say that."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't trust myself to say anything. I wanted to take her in my arms and hold her, not anything else, just hold her and protect her. And I wanted to get my hands on the people who'd done this. And on anyone who could have stopped it but hadn't. What are soldiers for, if not to put a stop to things like that? But all I could do was pour her another drink. I tried to keep my voice calm. "What will you do now?"
"I don't know. When Father Reedy finally let me leave his place, I went to Harmony. I guess I hoped I could get help. But-Hal, why won't Governor Swale do something? Anything?"
"More a matter of why should he," I said. "How can I say it, Kathryn. From his view, things are quiet. He can report that all's well here. They don't promote troublemakers in BuColonial, and Hugo Swale doesn't strike me as the kind of man who wants to retire on Arrarat." I drained my brandy glass. "Maybe I'm not being fair to him. Somehow I don't even want to be."
"But you'd help us if you could. Wouldn't you?"
"Yes, of course. At least you're safe now."
She had a sad little smile. "Yes, nothing but a few scars. Come here. Please." She stood. I went to her. "Put your hands on my shoulders," she said.
I reached out to her. She stood rigidly. I could feel her trembling as I touched her.
"It happens every time," she said. "Even now, and I like you. I'd give anything if I could just relax and let you hold me. And I can't. It's all I can do to sit here and talk to you."
"Then I'd better let you go-"
"No. Please. Please understand. I like you. I want to talk with you. I want to show myself there are men I can trust. Just don't expect too much. Not for a while. I keep telling myself I'm going to get over it. I don't want to be alone, and I'm afraid to be with anyone, and I'm going to get over that."
We had more weeks of parades and training. Falkenberg had a new scheme. He bought 200 mules and assigned my company the job of learning to live with them. The idea was to increase our marching capability by using pack mules, and to teach the men to hang onto the pack saddles so they could cover more kilometers each day. It worked fine, but it only increased the frustration because there was nothing to march toward.
Governor Swale had gone back to Garrison, but Irina and Kathryn stayed as guests of the battalion. The men were pleased to have them on the post, and there was much less problem with discipline. They particularly adopted Kathryn. She was interested in everything they did, and the troops thought of her as a mascot. She was young and vulnerable, and she didn't talk down to them, and they were half in love with her.
I was more than that. I saw so much of her that Falkenberg thought it worthwhile to remind me that the service does not permit lieutenants to marry. That isn't strictly true, of course, but it might as well be. There's no travel allowance and it takes an appeal to St. Peter or perhaps an even higher level to get married quarters. The rule is, "Captains may marry, Majors should marry, Colonels must marry," and there aren't many exceptions to it.
"Not much danger of that," I told him.
"Yes?" He raised an eyebrow. It was an infuriating gesture.
I blurted out her story.
He only nodded. "I was aware of most of it, Mr. Slater."
"How in God's name can you be so cool about it?" I demanded. "I know you don't like her after that outburst-"
"Miss Malcolm has been very careful to apologize and to credit you with the explanation," Falkenberg said. "And the next time you take the order book out of the safe I'll expect you to log it properly. Now tell me why we have three men of your company sleeping under their bunks without blankets."
He didn't really want an explanation, of course, and for that matter he probably already knew. There wasn't much about the battalion that he didn't know. It made a smooth change of subject, but I wasn't having any. I told him, off the record, what the charges would have been if I'd officially heard what the men had done. "Centurion Ardwain preferred not to report it," I said. "Captain, I still cannot understand how you can be so calm when you know that not 200 kilometers from here-"
"Mr. Slater. I remain calm because at the moment there is very little I can do. What do you want? That we lead the 501st in a mutiny? If it is any comfort to you, I do not think the situation will last. It is my belief that Governor Swale is living in a fool's paradise. You cannot deal with criminal gangs on any permanent basis, and I believe the situation will explode. Until it does, there is not one damned thing we can do, and I prefer not to be reminded of my helplessness."
"But sir-"
"But nothing, Mr. Slater. Shut up and soldier."
Falkenberg had guessed right. Although we didn't know it, about the time we had that conversation the Protection Association had decided to raise the price of grain. Two weeks later they hiked the price again and held up the shipments to show the governor they meant it.
Before long the governor paid another visit to Fort Beersheeba.
Deane Knowles found me in the club. "His Excellency has arrived," he said. "He's really come with full kit this time. He's brought Colonel Harrington and a whole company of militia."
"What the devil are they for?"
"Search me."
"I thought you knew everything-well, well. I suppose we will know soon enough. There's Officers Call."
The governor, Colonel Harrington and Falkenberg were all in the staff conference room. There was also a colonel of militia. He didn't look very soldierly. His uniform was baggy, and he had a bulge around his middle. The governor introduced him as Colonel Trevor.
"I'll come right to the point, gentlemen," Swale said. "Due to certain developments in the southern areas, I am no longer confident that food supply for the cities of Harmony and Garrison is assured. The local government down there has not negotiated in good faith. It's time to put some pressure on them."
"In other words," Colonel Harrington said, "he wants to send the marines down to bash heads so the Harmony merchants won't have to pay so much."
"Colonel, that remark was not called for," Governor Swale said.
"Certainly it was." There was no humor in Harrington's voice. "If we can send my lads down to get themselves killed, we can tell them why they're going. It's hardly a new mission for the Line marines."
"Your orders are to hold the cities," Swale said. "That cannot be done without adequate food supplies. I think that justifies using your troops for this campaign."
"Sure it does," Harrington said. "And after the CD pulls both of us out of here, what happens? Doesn't that worry you a bit, Colonel Trevor?"
"The CoDominium won't abandon Arrarat." Trevor sounded very positive.
"You're betting a lot on that," Colonel Harrington told him.
"If you two arc quite through," Swale said. "Captain, how soon can your battalion be ready to march?"
Falkenberg looked to Colonel Harrington. "Are we to hold the Jordan area as well, sir?"
"You won't need much here," Harrington said. "The militia can take over now."
"And what precisely are we to accomplish in the southern farm area?" Falkenberg asked.
"I just told you," Swale said. "Go down and put some pressure on the Protective Association so they'll see reason."
"And how am I to do that?"
"For heaven's sake, Falkenberg, it's a punitive expedition. Go hurt them until they're ready to give in."
"Burn farms and towns. Shoot livestock. Destroy transport systems. That sort of thing?"
"Well-I'd rather you didn't do it that way."
"Then, Governor, exactly what am I to do?" Falkenberg demanded. "I remind you that the Protective Association is itself an occupying power. They don't really care what we do to the farmers. They don't work that land, they merely expropriate from those who do."
"Then confine your punitive actions to the Protective Association…" Swale's voice trailed off.
"I do not even know how to identify them, sir. I presume that anyone I find actually working the land is probably not one of the criminal element, but I can hardly shoot everyone who happens to be idle at the moment I pass through."
"You needn't be sarcastic with me, Captain." '
"Sir, I am trying to point out the difficulties inherent in the orders you gave me. If I have been impertinent, you have my apology."
Sure you do, I thought. Deane and Louis grinned at each other and at me. Then we managed to straighten our faces. I wondered what Falkenberg was trying to do. I found out soon enough.
"Then what the devil do you suggest?" Swale demanded.
"Governor, there is a way I can assure you a reasonable and adequate grain supply. It requires your cooperation. Specifically, you must withdraw recognition from the Protective Association."
"And recognize whom? An unorganized bunch of farmers who couldn't hold onto the territory in the first place? Captain, I have sympathy for those people, even if all of you here do suspect me of being a monster with no feelings. My sympathy is of no matter. I must feed the people of Harmony, and to do that I'll deal with the devil himself if that's what it takes."
"And you very nearly have," I muttered.
"What's that, Lieutenant Slater?"
"Nothing, Governor. Excuse me."
"I expect I know what you said. Captain, let's suppose I do what you ask and withdraw recognition from the Protective Association. Now what do I do? We are not in the democracy-building business. My personal sympathies may well lie with what we are pleased to call "free and democratic institutions" but I happen to be an official of the CoDominium, not of the United States. So, by the way, do you. If this planet had been settled by Soviets we wouldn't even be having this conversation. There would be an assured grain supply and no nonsense about it."
"I hardly think the situations are comparable," Colonel Harrington said.
'Nor I," Trevor added. That surprised me.
"I ask again, what do we do?" the governor asked.
"Extend CoDominium protection to the area," Harrington said. "It needn't be permanent. I make no doubt that Colonel Trevor's people have friends among the farmers. We may not be in the democracy-building business, but there are plenty who'd like to try."
"You are asking for all-out war on the Protective Association," Swale said. "Colonel Harrington, have you any idea of what that will cost? The Senate is very reluctantly paying the basic costs of keeping these marines on Arrarat. They have not sent one deci-credit to pay for combat actions. How am I supposed to pay for this war?"
"You'll just have to tax the grain transactions, that's all," Harrington replied.
"I can't do that."
"You're going to have to do it. Captain Falkenberg is right. We can drive out the Protective Association-with enough local cooperation-but we sure as hell can't grow wheat for you. I suppose we could exterminate everyone in the whole damned valley and repopulate it-"
"Now you're being impertinent."
"My apologies," Harrington said. "Governor, just what do you want? Those farmers aren't going to grow crops just to have a bunch of gangsters take the profits. They'll move out first. Or take the land out of cultivation. Then what happens to your grain supply?"
"The situation is more complex than you think, Colonel. Believe me it is. Your business is war and violence. Mine is politics, and I tell you that things aren't always what they seem. The Protective Association can keep Harmony supplied with grain at a reasonable price. That's what we must have, and it's what you're going to get for me. Now you tell me that my only alternatives are a war I can't pay for, or starvation in the city. Neither is acceptable. I order you to send an expeditionary force to Allansport. It will have the limited objective of demonstrating our intent and putting sufficient pressure on the Protective Association to make them reasonable, and that is the whole objective."
Harrington studied his fingernails for a moment. "Sir, I cannot accept the responsibility."
"Damn you. Captain Falkenberg. You will-"
"I can't accept the responsibility either, Governor."
"Then I'll have Colonel Trevor lead it. Trevor, if you say you can't accept responsibility, I damned well know a dozen militia officers who can."
"Yes, sir. Who'll command the marines, sir? They won't take orders from me. Not directly."
"The lieutenants will-" He stopped, because one by one, Deane, Louis, and I all shook our heads.
"This is blackmail! I'll have every one of you cashiered!"
Colonel Harrington laughed. "Now, you know, I really doubt that. Me you might manage to get at. But junior officers for refusing an assignment their colonel turned down? Try peddling that to Admiral Lermontov and he'll laugh like hell."
Swale sat down. He struggled for a moment until he was in control of his voice. "Why are you doing this?"
Colonel Harrington shook his head slowly. "Governor, everything you said about the service is true. We're used. They use us to bash heads so that some Senator's nephew can make a mega-credit. They hand people a raw deal, and then call on us to make the victims stay in the game. Most of the time we have to take it. It doesn't mean we like it much. Once in a while, just every now and then, the Fleet gets a chance to put something right after you civilians mess it up. We don't pass up such chances." Harrington's voice had been quiet, but now he let it rise slightly. "Governor, just what the hell do you think men become soldiers for? So that you can get promoted to a cushy job?"
"I have told you, I would like to help those farmers. I can't do it. Cannot you understand? We can't pay for a long campaign. Can't. Not won't. Can't."
"Yes, sir," Colonel Harrington said. "I expect I'd better get back to Garrison. The staffs going to have to work out a pretty strict rationing plan."
"You think you have won," the Governor said. "Not yet, Colonel. Not yet. Colonel Trevor, I asked you to put a battalion of militia on riverboats. How long will it take for them to get here?"
"Be here tomorrow, sir."
"When they arrive, I want you to have made arrangements for more fuel and supplies.
We are taking that battalion to Allansport, where I will personally direct operations. I've no doubt we can make the Protective Association see reason. As to the rest of you, you will sit in this fort and rot for all I care. Good afternoon, gentlemen."
I told Kathryn about the conference when I met her for supper that night. She listened with bewilderment.
"I don't understand, Hal," she finally blurted. "All that fuss about costs. We'd pay for the campaign and be happy to do it."
"Do you think the governor knows that?" I asked.
"Of course he knows it. I've told him, and I've brought him offers from some of the other farmers. Don't you remember I asked him to loan us the 501st?"
"Sure, but you weren't serious."
"I wasn't then, but it sounded like such a good idea that later on we really tried to hire you. He wasn't interested."
"Wasn't interested in what?" Louis Bonneyman asked. "Is this an intimate conversation, or may I join you?"
"Please do," Kathryn said. "We're just finishing-"
"I've had my dinner also," Louis said. "But I'll buy you a drink. Hal, did you ever think old Harrington had that kind of guts?"
"No. Surprised me. So what happens next?"
"Beats me," Louis said. "But I'll give you a hint. I just finished helping Sergeant Major cut orders putting this whole outfit on full field alert as of reveille tomorrow."
"Figures. I wonder just how much trouble His Excellency will get himself into?"
Louis grinned. "With any luck, he'll get himself killed and Colonel Harrington will become acting governor. Then we can really clean house."
"You can't wish that on Irina's father," Kathryn protested. "I thought you liked her, Louis."
"Her, yes. Her old man I can live without. I'd have thought you'd share the sentiment."
"He was kind enough to let me live in his home," Kathryn said. "I don't understand him at all. He seems like a good man. It's only when-"